Among America’s 65 million pet dogs (according to a 2003 report), 10 million go astray every year, and about half are recovered. The author handles dogs like a virtuoso, with 10 hilarious pages on the wacky, expensive, but sometimes profitable life of a champion show dog. They are now “the third-most-popular pet in the country, ranking just behind dogs and cats.” Readers may be aware of the kerfuffle following the hit movie Free Willythat led to a massive campaign to return the film’s killer whale to the wild, and Orlean delivers a fascinating, if unedifying account. In “The Rabbit Outbreak,” Orlean writes about how rabbit meat was an American staple until replaced by beef and chicken after World War II, whereupon rabbit pet ownership surged. With reserves at capacity, cubs who mature may end up shot in trophy hunts or in stalls on breeding farms to produce more cubs.

Cubs are cute, so animal parks profit by allowing visitors to play with them. Even in Africa, far more live in captivity or on reserves than in the wild, and readers may be shocked at their fate. Lions are not near extinction, however in fact, there are too many. Her subject, a New Jersey woman, keeps several dozen and has been fighting successful court battles over them for decades. Some essays are classic New Yorkerprofiles: Who knew that tigers, near extinction in the wild, are common household pets? There are at least 15,000 in the U.S. The variety on display is especially pleasing. “Animals have always been my style,” writes Orlean at the beginning of her latest delightful book, a collection of articles that originally appeared in “slightly modified form” in the Atlantic, Smithsonian, and the New Yorker, where she has been a staff writer since 1992. The beloved author gathers a wide-ranging selection of pieces about animals.